Monday, September 20, 2010

"I See Great Potential..."

Scene from "The Sixth Sense" 1999, Hollywood Pictures

How many of you remember this infamous scene? Or better yet, how many of you remember the confusion associated with it ( and the movie in general? ) Today, I was sitting in my office extremely frustrated because I just couldn't understand why I was feeling so unfulfilled with things. There wasn't a thing I could really complain about and have a good reason for doing so. Things appeared to make sense and be comfortable but then it hit me... the very thing(s) God called for me to do, I'm not doing. Although on the surface it would be easy to "excuse" my way out of it the only valid reason I could come up with as to why I hadn't walked (all the way) in the things God has for me to do is... FEAR...paralyzing... FEAR. 

In the movie The Sixth Sense Cole struggled with the same issue. He was afraid to confide in Dr. Crowe about the things he saw because he didn't trust him. He was afraid of his reaction. He wanted to keep his secret to himself because if no one knew... no one could hold him responsible and help him work through the things he saw. THAT'S where I am. God has placed some HUGE things in my life. He has revealed my purpose. "I see great potential..." in myself but I'm paralyzed by fear. I see what's on the other side of the road yet I'm afraid to cross it. The risk, to me, is greater than the reward. People may think I'm delusional (as did Dr. Crowe when Cole confided in him). However, if you are struggling with fear the same way I am remember to channel that fear into positive energy. Just like Dr. Crowe encouraged Cole to use what he saw to obtain what he knew to be I implore you to do the same. You never know who you are really helping by walking on purpose and not in fear.

Remember... Dr. Crowe was dead the entire time... and Coles ability to see "dead people" was the very thing that gave Dr. Crowe the clarity and revelation he much needed. You have great potential... you see it... tell somebody about it and use it.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. - 2 Timothy 1:7


  1. Great stuff! Pastor always talks about the fact that when he experiences fear, he runs right towards it!

  2. I am glad you got this out! Keep pressing through.

  3. Amazing sis! Fear truly does hold many of us back from fulfilling God's purpose for our lives. Fear of failure. Fear of what others will say/think. Fear of the unknown. I too struggle with this at times and continuously pray for God's encouragement and wisdom in my decisions. Its for those steps I was afraid to take that catapult me into far greater things. I write down what it is I believe I am most afraid of and act on that fear. I love you and know that you will succeed in whatever it is God has ordained for you to do. Just you acknowledging your own fear is a BIG step.
    Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths.
    Proverbs 3:5

    Love you!

  4. I totally understand this blog post I was called to duty and I'm truly scared of failing to do a good job with the task. We have to do Gods purpose or we will never fill fulfilled. Capture your dream and don't let go!

  5. Believe it or not I've NEVER seen The Sixth Sense (lol), but I can still relate to this blog. I constantly get that unfulfilled feeling (mostly while at work - *smile*), but about a year ago I decided to do things differently and start taking chances in life again. I used to try new things and cultivate my interests but somewhere in my adult life all of that got lost as I settled into a comfortable routine. I realized it wasn't so much fear of failing or fear of what could be, but fear of letting go of what I had! Like you, although unfulfilling, my life was/is nothing to complain about! However, sometimes you just have to shake off the stagnation and move forward. Good luck with whatever life brings your way!



About Me

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A self professed “Grace Case,” Elle is a 29 year old accomplished writer. Having written and been featured in national magazines such as Essence, her unique writing style has been said to be “thought provoking” and “more emotional than most.” She believes in being an open book and through that prays that her life experiences help others avoid the mistakes she’s made and overcome. As such, her memoir “Loving Me In Spite of Me” is filled with life lessons and coping mechanisms. Her mantra “love me or hate me… I’m me unapologetically” has helped define her writing style.