Thursday, August 28, 2008

T shirt and NO pants on...

You know you realllllly need a break leave the house with no pants on. This morning I did what I normally do. I got up, showered, fixed my hair, put on my makeup, put on my shirt, and got the kids up and dressed for school. I made them breakfast, fixed them juice, and put them in the car. I put on my shoes, jewelry, sunglasses, perfume, and body splash. I even put on my seatbelt...but I FORGOT my damn pants!!!!!!!!! I literally drove almost 10 miles before I realized, "stupid you forgot your pants." I kept saying "It sure is chilly out today..." I even turned my air off...I couldn't figure out why I was so cold until I LOOKED DOWN. I couldn't believe that I was driving around with NO pants on but fully dressed (including shoes) otherwise. I'm sure my children were like... "umm yeah, she's finally lost it." So I turn around...truck it back home...and put on my pants. Talk about ASHAMED!

Speaking of kids...they are something else. The other night Daddy put a hole in the ceiling (another story in and of itself) and Sydnee took it upon herself to tell on him. Our normal routine is I get them ready in the mornings and Daddy prepares them for bed at night. So when the kids and Daddy disappeared the other night I knew it was bed time...little did I know, Daddy was on his own Dora and Diego adventure in the attic. You see, there is a leak SOMEWHERE in our attic. I determined the source of the water coming through but maybe I wasn't convincing enough for Daddy because he insisted on investigating the leak himself. There was one thing he wasn't banking on though...*see below photo*


Yeah...there's a beachball sized hole in my ceiling only because Daddy didn't listen to Mommy. Isn't there a lesson to be learned here folks?

So anyway...Sydnee comes downstairs, pats me on the leg...and says "Moommmmy Daddy put a hole up thayar." Amused I asked, "Up whayar?" She replied, "Up THAYAR" (as if to say, dammit quit acting like you don't know what I mean!!!) I go upstairs and there's Daddy smiling and I'm sure thinking "I sure as hell hope she doesn't go off..." His vibes didn't mesh well with mine b/c I think I lost it for a second. LOL Of course I was determined to find the good in this situation so I decided to ask the kids what happened. "Kids?" I said, "Did Daddy fall out of the sky?" Of course Alex says "Yeah *smirk*" (his answer to everything is "yeah") and Syd looks at me like "didn't I just TELL you that???" I thought that was the funniest thing.

Lastly, as I type this blog from my Blackberry I just have to wonder...why do people put the disclaimer that "this message was sent from my Blackberry...please excuse spelling and typing errors" as if there isn't a spell check feature on the device. I'm hoping that all Blackberries aren't created equal or something b/c I just don't understand how hard it is to choose "Check Spelling" from the menu and CHECK IT! Now I understand grammatical errors b/c I don't THINK there is a grammar check feature but seriously people...

G'Day Folks,

Lady Doss
*chooses Check Spelling feature before hitting publish*


About Me

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A self professed “Grace Case,” Elle is a 29 year old accomplished writer. Having written and been featured in national magazines such as Essence, her unique writing style has been said to be “thought provoking” and “more emotional than most.” She believes in being an open book and through that prays that her life experiences help others avoid the mistakes she’s made and overcome. As such, her memoir “Loving Me In Spite of Me” is filled with life lessons and coping mechanisms. Her mantra “love me or hate me… I’m me unapologetically” has helped define her writing style.