Since I've blogged but that's not because the days were uneventful. Wait...BRB I'm starving. (9:04AM)
(9:19 AM) Ok I'm back with my cheese grits and sausage (which I said I wasn't going to eat today but as you can see I failed that test already).
Well my kids are gone. I just knew I was going to be strong...but that failed too. As soon as we pulled off last night the tears started flowing. Syd looked at me like "Ok?" and continued to eat her nuggets and Alex well...Alex was just Alex. I wont lie at first I had some EXTREME reservations about sending my children to South Carolina for 10 days and it has nothing to do with my mother's competence as a care giver it has more to do with the fact that there's a pervert amongst my family that I wish would just fall off the face of the Earth. I made it CLEAR that my child was not to be NEAR this man unless she was attached to my mother, father, or brother. PERIOD. I'm forgiving but I'm not apparently as forgiving as everyone else in my family. He may have gotten away with what he did to me but I'll be DAMNED if something happens to my children and I sit back and pretend like it's not there. I'll kill him first.
I talked to my mom this morning to ask how the kids did last night and of course Syd was Syd (not wanting to go to sleep) and Alex slept until about 5 this morning. The house was so quiet last night when we got back it was almost eerie. I even had a hard time going to sleep because I didn't hear Shark Tales blasting from Sydnee's room. *sigh*
Tonight we are going to Jonetta's party and I'm rather excited about it. Moreso because we get to "dress up" and such. It's a formal event so everyone has to wear black or white gowns (women) and tuxes (men) but shit in Atlanta you may see it the other way around. I tried on my gown this morning and I think I may be going to Lenox on my lunch to buy another one b/c ummmm it was a little snug. I can wear it but I'd have to stand up all night and not eat...or breathe.
I can't believe we haven't started packing for this dern cruise. I kept saying I didn't want to do what we always do before a trip (stay up all night the night before packing) but it looks like that's what we'll be doing. I'm trying to figure out how to pack us with just one suitcase per person b/c Spirit Airlines only allows one suitcase per person in addition to the carry on. We can pay I think $10 to check more lugage but if I don't have to I don't want to. Besides all that luggage will only cost us more once we get to Fort Lauderdale b/c we'll have to pay extra to the taxi dude. I told my husband to make a list of things he needs for the trip and I'll bet my whole paycheck that he hasn't even started. I guess that means we'll be in Wal Mart arguing tomorrow about what to purchase. *smh* (which reminds me I need to print our boarding passes before I leave work today - way to use that good company ink and paper!)
OMG, speaking of company. The last I blogged I talked about our phone service (or lack there of). It has now been restored but whew the fiasco behind that one was a mess. Who has a $6000 phone bill!?!?!?! I bet BELLSOUTH themselves don't have a bill that high and they employ hundreds of thousands of people (ok I'm exaggerating but still). Also, when I went downstairs to get my breakfast I noticed something and now I can't help but to wonder 'what's the point in wearing gloves if you're going to touch everything anyway?' Like seriously, why do the cooks and servers even bother to put them on? For example my cook had on his lil plastic gloves and he was cooking my order when a guy walked up and told him that the syrup container was out of syrup. Why did he go get the syrup from the closet, open it up, and pour it in the container (that has been touched by at least 100 people), and take it back to the closet ALL WITH THE SAME DAMN GLOVES ON??? I frowned at him and he asked me what was wrong. I said are you going to change those nasty gloves and wash your hands? He was like "oh"...I mean really people.
I guess I should get some work done today since I'll be gone all next week! Good day folks!!
Friday, April 6, 2007
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About Me

- A self professed “Grace Case,” Elle is a 29 year old accomplished writer. Having written and been featured in national magazines such as Essence, her unique writing style has been said to be “thought provoking” and “more emotional than most.” She believes in being an open book and through that prays that her life experiences help others avoid the mistakes she’s made and overcome. As such, her memoir “Loving Me In Spite of Me” is filled with life lessons and coping mechanisms. Her mantra “love me or hate me… I’m me unapologetically” has helped define her writing style.
See thats just nasty. The board of health will shut you down for that. You know this one hits home. You are supposed to change gloves EVERY TIME you walk away from your station. I will never forget the time I was in this sandwich shop (I won't say names but think trains) and in the middle of making my sandwich the phone rings. SO the girl stops and with gloves still on she pics up the phone. I'm thinking to myself thats gross, but hopefully she'll change them before she goes back to work. So she says bye and then hangs up and goes back to work like nothing happened. I was like -disgusted face-. And I left, never went to that one again. (Sorry about the mini blog)