Ok so I know I will probably get burned at the stake for even thinking this but...*drum roll* who made the rule that men had to be the one's to practice chivalry...first let me say that I do know where chivalry originated and why it came to exist HOWEVER since this is such a 'progressive' world and all why can't chivalry and equality go hand in hand? This morning on the train I watched my husband offer at least 5 women his seat and it made me think, 'hmm if a woman was sitting down and a man got on the train obviously tired from a long day at work would she offer him her seat?' I came up with a big resounding HELL NO. On the other hand how would that man be perceived if he took it? Less than a man? a punk? It's something to really think about. Another thing that irks me is why do some females (notice some..that's the operative word here) have this huge sense of entitlement. It's almost as if they think "I have a cooTchie so you owe me." I can't understand it for the life of me. Why do men have to give you their seat, open your door, pay for your meal, and let you walk in front of them all b/c you have breasts? Seriously. I, for one, have no problem with paying for my man's meal (well we're married so we really don't count anymore, lol), holding the door for him sometimes, and letting him walk in front of me (I actually prefer he do that anyway). The double standard pops in when you have women who will set stuff straight on fire for women's rights and turn around in the same breath and say that 'he better open the car door for me'...OPEN IT YOURSELF YOU LIBERATED HEFFA! The woman who get on the train with an attitude b/c men wont 'get up and give me a damn seat' are probably the same women who wont get up off the couch and cook a brother a hot meal...(I'm not saying that a woman's job is to cook...I'm saying don't expect something you wont give in return.) Sorry for the vent...but this is just a concept I can't quite grasp. You open a door for me I open a door for you. You pay for breakfast, I got you for lunch. You tired and I'm not...have a seat. Maybe it's just me. Sound off people! Lady Doss
Friday, April 27, 2007
Chivalry & Double Standards
Ok so I know I will probably get burned at the stake for even thinking this but...*drum roll* who made the rule that men had to be the one's to practice chivalry...first let me say that I do know where chivalry originated and why it came to exist HOWEVER since this is such a 'progressive' world and all why can't chivalry and equality go hand in hand? This morning on the train I watched my husband offer at least 5 women his seat and it made me think, 'hmm if a woman was sitting down and a man got on the train obviously tired from a long day at work would she offer him her seat?' I came up with a big resounding HELL NO. On the other hand how would that man be perceived if he took it? Less than a man? a punk? It's something to really think about. Another thing that irks me is why do some females (notice some..that's the operative word here) have this huge sense of entitlement. It's almost as if they think "I have a cooTchie so you owe me." I can't understand it for the life of me. Why do men have to give you their seat, open your door, pay for your meal, and let you walk in front of them all b/c you have breasts? Seriously. I, for one, have no problem with paying for my man's meal (well we're married so we really don't count anymore, lol), holding the door for him sometimes, and letting him walk in front of me (I actually prefer he do that anyway). The double standard pops in when you have women who will set stuff straight on fire for women's rights and turn around in the same breath and say that 'he better open the car door for me'...OPEN IT YOURSELF YOU LIBERATED HEFFA! The woman who get on the train with an attitude b/c men wont 'get up and give me a damn seat' are probably the same women who wont get up off the couch and cook a brother a hot meal...(I'm not saying that a woman's job is to cook...I'm saying don't expect something you wont give in return.) Sorry for the vent...but this is just a concept I can't quite grasp. You open a door for me I open a door for you. You pay for breakfast, I got you for lunch. You tired and I'm not...have a seat. Maybe it's just me. Sound off people! Lady Doss
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
It's not like I can say no now...
Anyhow, so on the train today I swear I witnessed the MOST ignorant conversation I've heard in a long time. Here goes:
*enter two women - woman 1: mid 20's, perm: NEGATIVE, clothes: DOUBLE NEGATIVE, face...no words; woman 2: mid 20's, perm: a few weeks over due for a touch up, clothes: circa 1998ish (horizontal stripes and she had to have been 300lbs); face: if she keeps her mouth shut she'd be ok*
Woman 1: *unrecognizable jibberish under breath* (something about her class- from this I figure out they are day care workers - Lord our children)
Woman 2: Girl I told them not to give me no 5 year olds because I just don't have enough time for them AND my other kids.
Woman 1: *more jibberish*
Woman 2: Girl you hear me?
Woman 1: Oh huh? (mind you she talks like 489578 words per minute...it was actually amazing)
Woman 2: Girl I can't deal with them 5 year olds
Woman 1: *dancing* Girl I'm going to get my phone today! It was $130 and then it jumped to $140 and now that bitch is $160 but Ima still get it! I don't know why they want me to get insurance on it though b/c if you lose it you still have to pay $50 for a new one. That's just stupid. I don't understand why they even offer insurance.
Woman 2: *blank stare*
Woman 1: but Ima still get it...it is my whole check but I want me a phone girl
Woman 2: What kinda phone you gettin?
Woman 1: Girl one with a camera and a flip
Woman 2: Oh (apparently she put the chile on ignore b/c she stopped responding)
Woman 1: but yeah insurance is stupid if you still have to pay
Woman 2: *trying to reason* but you only have to pay $50 to replace it...it's called a deductible
Woman 1: A dedawho?
Woman 2: *shakes her head*
Woman 1: *back to unrecognizable jibberish*
I mean these are the people teaching our children??????? God help us all.
Good night,
Lady Doss
Monday, April 23, 2007
There are some things I should not have to say...
1. Over the past week I've had to make too many references to grown folks' body odor. I don't care what anyone says, there is no way you are immune to your own funk. Period. I know when I'm less than fresh and during those times I go as far away from the 'crowd' as I can and as soon as soap and water are available (be it in the work bathroom or at home in my shower) I eliminate funk. As well, I carry deodorant and body spray to apply when I know about to do something that could potentially make me perspire. Before that activity I re-apply. Now why other folks can't practice that I'll never know. I got on the train Friday and was so taken aback by the smell of sour kraut I just knew I would barf. Turns out it was a GROWN MAN smelling like that. The bad part is, he was extremely well dressed as if to say he was an executive of some sort. Now some may say "well he just forgot this morning" (I've done that before too) but if you can afford a nice suit you can afford to run down to the corner store and get a damn stick of Degree. I'm sorry. Second case...yesterday we went to this church and I swear this man had the whole right side of the church just stankin. How we ended up on the same pew with this stank bomb is beyond me but it was just nasty. He had to be AT the VERY LEAST 60 and I know good and well he knew better. *smh*
2. If you aren't intelligent quit frontin...so at this lovely *insert sarcasm* church we went to yesterday the "announcement lady" (who took 30 minutes to announce 3 events) was an intelligence perp. Why? She kept making up words. I cringed every time she said "dedicatorial" services. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs, "LADY THAT IS NOT A WORD IT'S DEDICATORY SERVICES!!!!!!!!!!!" The sad part is...she just KNEW she was doing something big. She then said that woman had been 'ostasized' and criticized for too long...after that I stopped listening so that my ears wouldn't start bleeding. Uggh.
3. You chose this job...not me. Why is it that people who are in 'service' positions have the worst attitudes. I mean, I'm smart enough to know I'm not a people person so I don't deal with people on a regular basis (as a part of my job). I mean take Ray for example. Ray is a ticket taker at the GA Aquarium but Ray likes to be rude to people...little did Ray know, I'm not the one. He got funky with me and I let him know...I mean really Ray YOU chose to take tickets at the aquarium not me...what are you so upset for? *shrug*
These are just a few things that I observed and I just had to get off my chest. Have a good week folks!
Lady Doss
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Equal Opportunity Employment
I can remember a time when I went into The Home Depot looking for faux wood blinds can someone tell me why the two people they had working in that department were physically challenged? One was a midget and the other one was in a wheelchair. I just threw up my hands because I knew this was one I couldn't figure out. Being that I worked in this very department in high school and knew the demands of this position (climbing ladders to retrieve blinds; using the blind cutting machine [which is more than 5 feet from the ground might I add]; lifting 30-50 lbs; etc) I just had to stand by and see exactly how these two handled those demands. As you may have guessed...they didn't. Every time they needed a blind cut they would call someone from paint or flooring to do it and every time someone needed something that they couldn't reach (pretty much every time) they called someone from paint or flooring...I know those lil men were like 'shit, please stop paging us.' I mean could they not have been greeters or receipt checkers? Or even cashiers...why would you make customers wait 10 minutes longer than they have to if you can eliminate the problem. I guess it's a matter of 'well if we don't give them this job and say it's b/c of their height or physical handicap we'll be sued'....but shouldn't people be able to tell their own limitations? I know good and damn well I don't need to apply to be a fork lift driver b/c.......*ding ding ding* I can't drive a fork lift!!!! I know I don't need to apply to a job that requires me to be fluent in Spanish b/c *ding ding ding* I'm not fluent in Spanish. It's not rocket science people. Goodness.
I don't know about any of you but I, for one, am tired of having to dumb myself down to communicate with people and having to inconvenience myself so that Home Depot wont be sued. People need to stop taking advantage of that 'law' and wake up to smell the roses. I'm good with numbers, therefore I'm an accountant. My husband has a wonderful grasp on the English language, therefore he analyzes contracts (well he used to anyway). My friend Chelseia has a great speaking voice and is excellent in communication, therefore she majored in communications (or something like that). You get my drift? Be who you are...good grief.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Sitting Ducks
For example, Chou Lin Sing (I know I butchered that but I'm too lazy to look up his name) was a nut...a straight basket case...and everyone who came in contact with him knew it. YET only one of those people had the balls to tell someone about him. I mean the dude was writing plays about killing folks did you NOT think to say ' we better watch him a little bit closer .' Now I know what people are going to say... ' He hadn't done anything wrong so there was nothing we could do ' or ' We couldn't violate his rights by following him or keeping surveillance '...and to that I say BULL SHIT and a half. We racial profile on a damn daily basis in this country so I don't want to hear there was nothing we could do. I'm sorry but don't let me come across a nut like that because I will call the police, FBI, CIA, President, Prime Minister, Pope, & anyone else I have to until they listen. Now all those people who knew this guy was a lunatic have blood on their hands because they sat back and did nothing. Oh wait, I guess the candlelight prayer vigil will soothe folks families...right? *rolls eyes*
Another example, Osama 'nem. Folks knew he was crazy as a bed bug too and the bad part about is he was nuts with a whole army of nuts right behind him. WHY THE HELL DID WE WAIT UNTIL NEARLY 4000 OR MORE PEOPLE DIED BEFORE WE STARTED TO ACTIVELY PURSUE THIS MAN (if that's what you want to call what we're doing)??????? I know his whole story has some politics behind it but seriously people...why were we all of a sudden blessing America and forcing people to damn near strip in airports AFTER someone decided to fly planes into our buildings? It doesn't make sense to me AT ALL. I guess it's that whole innocent until proven guilty thing we abide by (depending on the color of your skin and who your parents are) in this country...such is life.
However, to those affected by the VT shootings, my heart goes out to you. I will be praying for your strength and comfort during this time. To those who knew Sue Lieng was a crazy ass...shame on you. I guess you shoulda listened to that little voice in your head after all...
Good day folks!
Lady Doss
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
I am in disbelief...no seriously I am
I just got rude phone call about some apartments you owned at:
Anytown, USA 12345
Apparently they are about to sue you for the amount owed to *******($9645.58) and according to them you told them to talk to me about it...only I have no idea what apartments they are talking about, nor do I know anything about this. I told them I had no idea what they were talking about and that I would speak to you about it but for future reference if there is something like this don't put my name on it knowing I have no idea what it's about. I hate being dumbfounded on the phone and even moreso I hate being yelled at and spoke to rudely(as if I'm the one that's been avoiding their calls) about something I don't know anything about
He then responds, 'don't take anymore of their calls.' By now I'm pissed so he calls and tells me he gave them my name and a fake phone number and he doesn't know how they found me. WHAT THE HELL!?!?!?!??!!?!? So today I call the man back and tell him that I don't handle what he's calling about and I'd appreciate it if he would stop harassing me about it. The guy calls back and now he's been calling every minute for about an hour. He wont STOP! I don't know what to do...I'm to the point where I'm going to just pick up and tell them that he lied and is avoiding them so he'll leave me alone...but I shouldn't have to. What kind of unprofessional ass backwards shit is that??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!
Enough about that stupid madness...we had a WONDERFUL time on vacation. We visited a 'clothing optional' beach and boy was that a sight for sore eyes (pun intended). I DID participate in the optionality (<--not a word) but I kept my bottom on. Hubby on the other hand let his nuts hang like it was the garden of eden. More power to him...shoot he was the biggest thang out there (again pun intended). I swear I've never seen so many big red balls and little pink dicks in all of my years on this Earth. It was amazing...I was like "honey is that what happens when you get old? I mean do your balls just take over like that?" It's something you really have to experience. THEN we saw a woman who probably hasn't seen her whoha in 26 years. She had so much fat and stuff hanging and carrying on she looked fully clothed in blubber. Again...simply amazing. The ship was wonderful but I swear I was glad to get back to Atlanta with all the crazy vernacular. My ears were hurting from straining to understand the crew members and their accents. Sheesh...speaking of which when we got home we had to drive to Thomson, GA to pick up the kids (that's the halfway mark between here and my Mom's house) on the way back we stop at the McDonalds (exit 172 off I-20 towards Augusta) and I kid you not every person that worked in there couldn't have passed the 1st damn grade. They were butchering the English language so bad it made my damn head spin. We pulled up to the window and what we heard was "ma I ta yo orda?" (and you know me...I was like "what?!?") he (hubby) ordered two 10 piece nugget meals one with a frutopia no ice and one with a hi ci orange no ice. She said something else we didn't understand and spouted off the total...he (hubby) told her "I'm not finished" and again she said something inaudible. She then said "dri roun toduh winda" (and you know me...I busted out laughing). We get to the window and she says "yo todal ieah..." and again he (hubby) told her he wasn't done ordering. She then says "wha u wana ayed" (and you know me...by now I'm DYING laughing in this chile's face). We add the kids meal and pay...she then says 'the receet will be at da nex winda' (and you know me...I'm engaged in knee slapping laughter)....BUT THIS TAKES THE CAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The next dumbass can't talk either! She hands us the bags LESS sweet and sour sauce. We ask for some sauce and this ignoramous tells us she put some in the bag and hands him (hubby) A sauce. ONE sauce...for 24 nuggets. He says can you give me 3 or 4 more please? She says 'i gay you sum' we look in the bag and again tell her...no you didn't. She then looks at him (hubby) like he's lost his mind or something...so he says "sweetheart just give me the sauce,damn. What do I have to act like you didn't give me sauce for...my name aint Tyler Perry" PEOPLE I LOST IT THEN!!!!!!!!!! I swear I laughed all the way home about that.
OH I forgot to tell about how I was damn near detained on the ship...for $32.81...THRITY TWO EFFING DOLLARS!!! It was funny as hell though...we are in line scanning our cards to leave the ship when I hear bells going off sirens horns and all kids of crap. They then tell me you have a balance on your account please go clear it with the purser. So I'm like...Oh ok (thinking wow that was a little extreme doncha think?). I go upstairs and them nuts are trying to tell me I owe them not only the $32.81 but $296.00 more! I hit the roof and told them that I'd be spending another week on the Caribbean Princess before I gave them $300+ dollars. They were like 'well we normally don't let passengers disembark with a balance due.' Well my smart ass said, 'that's alright..shall I go back to the cabin I had or do I get a new one?' Long story short...they found their mistake and cleared that up STAT! Hell...
I guess that's all for now...but remember folks to wear your sunscreen...black people do BURN!
Lady Doss
Friday, April 6, 2007
It's been a few days...
(9:19 AM) Ok I'm back with my cheese grits and sausage (which I said I wasn't going to eat today but as you can see I failed that test already).
Well my kids are gone. I just knew I was going to be strong...but that failed too. As soon as we pulled off last night the tears started flowing. Syd looked at me like "Ok?" and continued to eat her nuggets and Alex well...Alex was just Alex. I wont lie at first I had some EXTREME reservations about sending my children to South Carolina for 10 days and it has nothing to do with my mother's competence as a care giver it has more to do with the fact that there's a pervert amongst my family that I wish would just fall off the face of the Earth. I made it CLEAR that my child was not to be NEAR this man unless she was attached to my mother, father, or brother. PERIOD. I'm forgiving but I'm not apparently as forgiving as everyone else in my family. He may have gotten away with what he did to me but I'll be DAMNED if something happens to my children and I sit back and pretend like it's not there. I'll kill him first.
I talked to my mom this morning to ask how the kids did last night and of course Syd was Syd (not wanting to go to sleep) and Alex slept until about 5 this morning. The house was so quiet last night when we got back it was almost eerie. I even had a hard time going to sleep because I didn't hear Shark Tales blasting from Sydnee's room. *sigh*
Tonight we are going to Jonetta's party and I'm rather excited about it. Moreso because we get to "dress up" and such. It's a formal event so everyone has to wear black or white gowns (women) and tuxes (men) but shit in Atlanta you may see it the other way around. I tried on my gown this morning and I think I may be going to Lenox on my lunch to buy another one b/c ummmm it was a little snug. I can wear it but I'd have to stand up all night and not eat...or breathe.
I can't believe we haven't started packing for this dern cruise. I kept saying I didn't want to do what we always do before a trip (stay up all night the night before packing) but it looks like that's what we'll be doing. I'm trying to figure out how to pack us with just one suitcase per person b/c Spirit Airlines only allows one suitcase per person in addition to the carry on. We can pay I think $10 to check more lugage but if I don't have to I don't want to. Besides all that luggage will only cost us more once we get to Fort Lauderdale b/c we'll have to pay extra to the taxi dude. I told my husband to make a list of things he needs for the trip and I'll bet my whole paycheck that he hasn't even started. I guess that means we'll be in Wal Mart arguing tomorrow about what to purchase. *smh* (which reminds me I need to print our boarding passes before I leave work today - way to use that good company ink and paper!)
OMG, speaking of company. The last I blogged I talked about our phone service (or lack there of). It has now been restored but whew the fiasco behind that one was a mess. Who has a $6000 phone bill!?!?!?! I bet BELLSOUTH themselves don't have a bill that high and they employ hundreds of thousands of people (ok I'm exaggerating but still). Also, when I went downstairs to get my breakfast I noticed something and now I can't help but to wonder 'what's the point in wearing gloves if you're going to touch everything anyway?' Like seriously, why do the cooks and servers even bother to put them on? For example my cook had on his lil plastic gloves and he was cooking my order when a guy walked up and told him that the syrup container was out of syrup. Why did he go get the syrup from the closet, open it up, and pour it in the container (that has been touched by at least 100 people), and take it back to the closet ALL WITH THE SAME DAMN GLOVES ON??? I frowned at him and he asked me what was wrong. I said are you going to change those nasty gloves and wash your hands? He was like "oh"...I mean really people.
I guess I should get some work done today since I'll be gone all next week! Good day folks!!
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
You know you work for a ghetto company when...
2. It takes a month to get your supplies list approved and then it's a partial approval. "You don't need scissors for your office...SarahLou already has a pair, use hers" WTH!?!?!
3. You are constantly avoiding bill collectors taumbout some "We mailed a check...you didn't get it"
4. Speaking of the phone...the bill is $6000.00
5. You worry if your paycheck is going to bounce *smh8
6. They tell you blue toenail polish is unprofessional but you can curse outloud and from office to office.
I'm sure there's more...*smh*
Just some observations
- Security
- Elevator Etiquette
I'll start with the first one, security. I don't know about anyone else that works in this building but I sure as hell don't feel secure when I walk in. I mean who makes the hiring decisions for security guards????? Now it could be worse since our guards are under the age of 75 but still. I just don't get it. These guards would probably have a hard time DIALING 911 to get the real police here in an emergency. There's one (female) guard who either doesn't like me or likes me a little too much *hint*hint*. She stares a hole through me EVERYTIME I'm in the lobby. I'm thinking "heffa don't get mad at me b/c I wear stilettos to work...YOU are the one who chose to be a security guard. I wouldn't want to wear that manly uniform and those God awful shoes either...but we play the cards we're dealt right?" Then there's this one who is every bit of 450 lbs. I think he's related to the pork rind eater from the train...they are built essentially the same. Anyhow, with him being that big who the hell is he going to run after? I'm sayin???Shoot one day I had to have him unlock our office on the 40th floor and you would have thought I asked him to run up 40 flights of stairs or something. He huffed and puffed all the way to the elevator and waited on me to push the button....then he panted all the way to the door and LORD help because he had to actually bend over to unlock the door (it looks at the bottom). Then he gone say some (<--wow that was so ebonic) "They don't give ya'll keys anymore???" (between huffing and trying to get his huge behind up off the floor) I said "Well yeah but isn't it your job to carry the keys around in the event that someone leaves theirs at home???" He didn't answer...I think he was offended. Lastly, there's this one who I swear NEVER moves. I'm surprised he blinks and/or inhales and exhales. Everytime I go downstairs he's in the SAME spot doing the SAME thing (that hands under chin thing that tells me "ho hum I have nothing to do"). From the way this sounds would you feel all safe and cozy at work either? Sheesh.
Next we have elevator etiquette. WHY OH WHY do people think it's ok to press the call button then stand DIRECTLY in front of the door as if there is no one that has to get off?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! That drives me batty, I can't stand it. Common sense should tell you..."wow, there may ACTUALLY be someone else in the 51 story building that will be getting off of this elevator." What I don't get is...ok you're dumb enough to stand there but when you see someone coming MOVE! I shouldn't have to maneuver around your ass to get off the elevator! Hello!?!?!? Then what is it with the people who get on the elevator, press their particular floor, and then stand in front of the keypad. When this happens I politely as "could you press 40 please?" and they get huffy!!!! Now either you're going to press the button for everyone on the elevator or you're going to press your floor and get out of the damn way. It's THAT simple. Period. I think I'm just going to start bum rushing folks when I exit and pushing folks when they stand in the way. You think that will get the point across? I mean it's not like they can call security on me...lmao.
Lastly, MARTA...uggh. So this morning I needed to reload my "Breeze Card" (for those of you who don't know...it's the ticket to the train). Well I get to the machine, tap my breeze card, choose my purchase, and swipe my card. Nothing happens. Umm ok...I start the process all over again. Nothing happens. I look up and the little scrolling screen says "No debit or credit cards being accepted at this time" So I ask the MARTA attendant if she knows where a close ATM is so I can get some cash. She tells me "No honey, but I'll just let you in." Now...WHY THE HELL ARE NONE OF THE MACHINES TAKING CARDS!?!?!?!?!? WHO STILL WALKS AROUND WITH CASH!?!?!?!? ESPECIALLY AT THE MARTA STATION!?!?!?!?!?!??! If this was an isolated incident I would have just said thank you and went on about my business, but this happens ALL THE TIME. Seriously people get it together...merchant fees aren't THAT much that you have to shut down your credit card terminals once a week.
Now that this is off my chest I am free to work. Good day folks!
4 days until vacation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, April 2, 2007
When I get to Heaven I'm going to ask God...
Why bad things happen to good people. I heard on the news about the family of three found dead in their townhouse this weekend and it really disturbed me. The whole thing was tragic but what really hit me where it hurts was the infant left to die in his swing. I mean it's one thing to have so much self hatred that you take your OWN life but to kill your wife and leave your child to ultimately die is just plain selfish. Now now...I know that those people died because their purpose had been fulfilled just don't ask me to like it.
Anyhow, this weekend I went out with my sorors and it was really fun. My Sigma torch was re lit. I really had a good time hanging out with Jaressa and Robin (with her crazy self). I also think we've found a 'home'. We visited 'The Church' (www.thechurchinfo.org) and really liked it. The Pastor said something that really stuck with me. He spoke on how some people are spiritual eeyores. For those of you who don't know that big donkey up there is eeyore. Eeyore is a character in the series Winnie The Pooh. He is a pessimistic, gloomy, old stuffed donkey. Despite this, Eeyore is a very intelligent animal, although he keeps most of his knowledge to himself. That's why he is very quiet most of the time and a bit depressed. To tie that in spiritually there are some people who walk around with all the knowledge of God and His favor but they never tap into what they have. He used a very good example about having a closet full of clothes and 'nothing to wear.' So many times WE forget where our help comes from. We'll get stuck in a situation and like eeyore (who has all the knowledge) we find the bad of the situation and dwell on it. We stand at our spiritual closet looking past all the gifts and 'outs' that are provided for us saying 'I have nothing to wear' (or 'I have no where to turn' or 'I don't know what I'm going to do' or 'I wish I could find a way out'). We must realize that God has given us all the tools we need for success we just have to learn to utilize what has been given to us. I guess with that being said I should follow my own advice about why bad things happen to good people huh?
Blog Archive
- Chivalry & Double Standards
- It's not like I can say no now...
- There are some things I should not have to say...
- Equal Opportunity Employment
- Sitting Ducks
- I am in disbelief...no seriously I am
- It's been a few days...
- You know you work for a ghetto company when...
- Just some observations
- When I get to Heaven I'm going to ask God...
About Me

- A self professed “Grace Case,” Elle is a 29 year old accomplished writer. Having written and been featured in national magazines such as Essence, her unique writing style has been said to be “thought provoking” and “more emotional than most.” She believes in being an open book and through that prays that her life experiences help others avoid the mistakes she’s made and overcome. As such, her memoir “Loving Me In Spite of Me” is filled with life lessons and coping mechanisms. Her mantra “love me or hate me… I’m me unapologetically” has helped define her writing style.