It's been a few weeks since I've blogged and it's mainly b/c I just haven't had time. (Or no...I just haven't MADE time, it's not like I've been doing much of anything anyhow) You know how I'm always 'wondering' things about people? Well umm yeah today I started to wonder just what makes people do the things they do. For example, what makes someone come stand DIRECTLY in front of you on the train platform? What do they think you're standing there for...the rapture? I mean aren't we ALL standing there waiting on the same result...a train? What makes them think "Ok I'll come stand right in front of her even though she was there first and waiting on the same train I am?" Sheesh :-/
Another thing... what makes people damn near run you over to get to the elevator? I mean I (stress I) was the one who pushed the call button in the first place...shouldn't I (stress I) have first dibs on getting on the elevator. I mean... Sheesh :-/
Oh...while we're on the subject of elevators. What makes people stand DIRECTLY in front of the door(s) and wait? Does it not cross their mind that "Hmmm, there MAY be someone actually getting OFF this thing before I get on?" I think I may just scream if I get plowed over by some nitwit trying to get on before I can get off. Sheesh :-/
(This is a funny one...) I remember one morning, I was so deep in thought that I got ON the elevator and never pushed a button. I had no idea I wasn't moving until I heard "DING" and the doors opened only to reveal the lobby of my building. To make matters worse, two men got on and one said "Just riding the elevator huh?" I wanted to dissolve right then and there. LMAO!
So, what's been going on in Lady Doss' world over the last few weeks? A lot! Church has had me extremely busy (being that I'm on the praise and worship team) and there have been weeks where I had to pull 5 day shifts at the house of the Lord. Now, don't get me wrong, I love me some Jesus and I thank God for the gift he gave to me, but woosah sometimes...WOOsah! I was going to participate in the dance ministry but I decided not to for two reasons. The most important being, I just didn't want to over do it. I needed to cut something out so I let that one go. Secondly, I went to one rehearsal and had the gas face the whole time. NOT b/c of the talent level but b/c I just couldn't deal with all the talking, giggling, playing, etc. I could see if these were pre teens but these were GROWN women! (It may also have to do with the fact that I can be rather uptight, but's me! Love it or hate it...) With that being said...I need to take those $50 shoes I got for dance BACK! OH yeah! School starts on my 25th birthday...and for some reason that's symbolic for me. Most say 25 starts a new chapter of life and how fitting that I start classes on that day as well. I'm so determined to get that 4.0 I can't stand it! Pray for me people...
I would go on, but I decided that I was actually going to work today b/c I want to take the day off tomorrow. (Gotta have the house spotless for mother in laws visit) :)
G'day folks!
Lady Doss
Thursday, August 9, 2007
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- A self professed “Grace Case,” Elle is a 29 year old accomplished writer. Having written and been featured in national magazines such as Essence, her unique writing style has been said to be “thought provoking” and “more emotional than most.” She believes in being an open book and through that prays that her life experiences help others avoid the mistakes she’s made and overcome. As such, her memoir “Loving Me In Spite of Me” is filled with life lessons and coping mechanisms. Her mantra “love me or hate me… I’m me unapologetically” has helped define her writing style.
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