You know, I beginning to think that we, as Americans are going after the wrong people (well that's obvious with this war, but just hear me out...). Have you noticed how much the Chinese have been in the news lately for shipping us bad meat, toys, doggy biscuits, etc? I honestly believe that China is going to take us out and no one even see it coming. I mean nowadays you can't even brush your teeth without worrying that something is 'in' your paste. The whole Mattel thing really got me thinking because I have children. My thought process was "hmm...if they poison the young kids, who will be left to run the US in 20 years?" Far fetched? Sure it is, but it still makes me go hmmm... Do I think it's a huge coincidence that most of the defective (for lack of a better word) comes from China? Not really...There are some really bad people in the world (not confirming that's what I think of the Chinese) and I'm sure SOMEBODY has a motive. I wouldn't be surprised if we woke up one day and there was a bio-terror alert flashing across my tv screen on account of some development in China that can kill 1000 Americans in 2 minutes. (I watch too much 24...) Speaking of 24, I think THEY are on to something too. Have you noticed that they are focusing on the Chinese and their potential 'take down' of the US? I sure hope we have a real life Jack Bauer somewhere just in case...cause if not, we're all screwed. MAJORLY even. At any rate this is all just one of my many conspiracy theories which probably isn't true...but hey. LOL
So anyway, I'm driving to the train station the other morning when I notice a new 'business' in the West End area. I'm not surprised it's a hair salon, but what DOES surprise me is the damn name of the salon. It's called "Delores" hair weeving (I changed the name to protect the owner who obviously can't spell worth a damn...even with the free spell check capabilities out there) complete with a sign that says "Stop here for all your hair weeving needs." Now, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and say that maybe...JUST maybe they meant to spell it that way for marketing and advertising reasons to reach the 'clientele' of the area. (I mean b/c it's no surprise that a lot of the people walking around the West End aren't the most literate people in the world) Maybe their thought process was like "If they can sound it out...they'll come" *shrug*
Well I have a TON of work to do...and a class at 11 so I'll be day. LOL
G'Day folks!
Lady Doss(*who is now 25 and loving it*)
P.S. This blog was in no way written to offend any of my Asian counterparts...nor am I responsible for the grammtAcal and speEling errors in this blog *giggle*
Thursday, August 23, 2007
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- A self professed “Grace Case,” Elle is a 29 year old accomplished writer. Having written and been featured in national magazines such as Essence, her unique writing style has been said to be “thought provoking” and “more emotional than most.” She believes in being an open book and through that prays that her life experiences help others avoid the mistakes she’s made and overcome. As such, her memoir “Loving Me In Spite of Me” is filled with life lessons and coping mechanisms. Her mantra “love me or hate me… I’m me unapologetically” has helped define her writing style.
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