Speaking of kids...they are something else. The other night Daddy put a hole in the ceiling (another story in and of itself) and Sydnee took it upon herself to tell on him. Our normal routine is I get them ready in the mornings and Daddy prepares them for bed at night. So when the kids and Daddy disappeared the other night I knew it was bed time...little did I know, Daddy was on his own Dora and Diego adventure in the attic. You see, there is a leak SOMEWHERE in our attic. I determined the source of the water coming through but maybe I wasn't convincing enough for Daddy because he insisted on investigating the leak himself. There was one thing he wasn't banking on though...*see below photo*
Yeah...there's a beachball sized hole in my ceiling only because Daddy didn't listen to Mommy. Isn't there a lesson to be learned here folks?
So anyway...Sydnee comes downstairs, pats me on the leg...and says "Moommmmy Daddy put a hole up thayar." Amused I asked, "Up whayar?" She replied, "Up THAYAR" (as if to say, dammit quit acting like you don't know what I mean!!!) I go upstairs and there's Daddy smiling and I'm sure thinking "I sure as hell hope she doesn't go off..." His vibes didn't mesh well with mine b/c I think I lost it for a second. LOL Of course I was determined to find the good in this situation so I decided to ask the kids what happened. "Kids?" I said, "Did Daddy fall out of the sky?" Of course Alex says "Yeah *smirk*" (his answer to everything is "yeah") and Syd looks at me like "didn't I just TELL you that???" I thought that was the funniest thing.
Lastly, as I type this blog from my Blackberry I just have to wonder...why do people put the disclaimer that "this message was sent from my Blackberry...please excuse spelling and typing errors" as if there isn't a spell check feature on the device. I'm hoping that all Blackberries aren't created equal or something b/c I just don't understand how hard it is to choose "Check Spelling" from the menu and CHECK IT! Now I understand grammatical errors b/c I don't THINK there is a grammar check feature but seriously people...
G'Day Folks,
Lady Doss
*chooses Check Spelling feature before hitting publish*
Ah ha ha ha ha!!! Never a dull moment in the Doss house!