Thursday, August 28, 2008

T shirt and NO pants on...

You know you realllllly need a break leave the house with no pants on. This morning I did what I normally do. I got up, showered, fixed my hair, put on my makeup, put on my shirt, and got the kids up and dressed for school. I made them breakfast, fixed them juice, and put them in the car. I put on my shoes, jewelry, sunglasses, perfume, and body splash. I even put on my seatbelt...but I FORGOT my damn pants!!!!!!!!! I literally drove almost 10 miles before I realized, "stupid you forgot your pants." I kept saying "It sure is chilly out today..." I even turned my air off...I couldn't figure out why I was so cold until I LOOKED DOWN. I couldn't believe that I was driving around with NO pants on but fully dressed (including shoes) otherwise. I'm sure my children were like... "umm yeah, she's finally lost it." So I turn around...truck it back home...and put on my pants. Talk about ASHAMED!

Speaking of kids...they are something else. The other night Daddy put a hole in the ceiling (another story in and of itself) and Sydnee took it upon herself to tell on him. Our normal routine is I get them ready in the mornings and Daddy prepares them for bed at night. So when the kids and Daddy disappeared the other night I knew it was bed time...little did I know, Daddy was on his own Dora and Diego adventure in the attic. You see, there is a leak SOMEWHERE in our attic. I determined the source of the water coming through but maybe I wasn't convincing enough for Daddy because he insisted on investigating the leak himself. There was one thing he wasn't banking on though...*see below photo*


Yeah...there's a beachball sized hole in my ceiling only because Daddy didn't listen to Mommy. Isn't there a lesson to be learned here folks?

So anyway...Sydnee comes downstairs, pats me on the leg...and says "Moommmmy Daddy put a hole up thayar." Amused I asked, "Up whayar?" She replied, "Up THAYAR" (as if to say, dammit quit acting like you don't know what I mean!!!) I go upstairs and there's Daddy smiling and I'm sure thinking "I sure as hell hope she doesn't go off..." His vibes didn't mesh well with mine b/c I think I lost it for a second. LOL Of course I was determined to find the good in this situation so I decided to ask the kids what happened. "Kids?" I said, "Did Daddy fall out of the sky?" Of course Alex says "Yeah *smirk*" (his answer to everything is "yeah") and Syd looks at me like "didn't I just TELL you that???" I thought that was the funniest thing.

Lastly, as I type this blog from my Blackberry I just have to wonder...why do people put the disclaimer that "this message was sent from my Blackberry...please excuse spelling and typing errors" as if there isn't a spell check feature on the device. I'm hoping that all Blackberries aren't created equal or something b/c I just don't understand how hard it is to choose "Check Spelling" from the menu and CHECK IT! Now I understand grammatical errors b/c I don't THINK there is a grammar check feature but seriously people...

G'Day Folks,

Lady Doss
*chooses Check Spelling feature before hitting publish*

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Yanno, there is so much I want out of life but the part that sucks is...I have no idea what those things are. I think that's God's way of telling me to "shut up and listen" so that He can guide me according to His plan. I think I'm at a point in my life where if I DON'T start listening to Him I'm going to regret it. With that being said, I've really gotten serious about what His word says for me. It's hard and I knew that as soon as I stopped entertaining Satan and his temptations that he would try even harder to get my attention. I'm just so thankful for God and His mercy because although Donnie nem said "we fall down but we get up" I don't think he meant "we fall down 8 million times per day and although we as sinnners abuse the fact that God is going to pick us bak up again He continues to do it" (or then again maybe he did).

Another thing I'm GRA8FL for is my new friendship with the Mitchells. It kinda sucks that they live so far away, but I'm sure if it's in His plan for them to move closer that's exactly what will happen. There was a point in life where I didn't think we'd ever find true friends again (considering how we'd managed to screw up past relationships) and lo and behold here comes Kish and Ant. It's funny though because when she came up to me on the ship and asked if my name was "Tonya" (and I knew she meant Tasha but had forgot - I was being my usual assholish stuck up self) I'd never imagine in a million years that I'd be calling her "friend". I've learned to reserve that title for those who genuinely respect and deserve that title and she is just that. I love her to pieces (her and Smiley - her hubby). I see great things in the future for our friendship and God, for that, Thanks.

So I took a job without consulting God about it and I'm really happy He allowed the greater opportunity to shine through anyway. It's kinda tacky to leave a job after only being there a month, but what God has for me is for me, right? Right. The only part I'm struggling with is, how to give my notice. I've been sick all week and my prayer is that I'm better by morning. If not, it'll be easy to make my transition to the new gig. I'll just let them know that I've been sick and wont be returning. If I feel better tomorrow I will go in and let them know that my last day will be Friday. As cut throat as that sounds, I'm at the point where I'd rather not waste anyone's time anymore. That's just a battle I'll have to face for not listening (or seeking) God in the first place.

Speaking of God and seeking Him. I went back to Bible study last week. I went alone and it was really nice to worship without distraction. I never realized just how distracting taking your family to church can be. Now that's not to say that I wont be taking the kids and spouse to church with me, but I sure will be utilizing the nursery facilities more often. I may even have to ignore the man sitting beside me b/c quite frankly sometimes he takes my breath away. :)

We spent the day together today and it was really nice. (Well we kinda spent the day was mostly me running back and forth to the bathroom and whining but it was nice nonetheless. I was so happy when he said he'd stay home and take care of me today. He's actually gone to get food (that I probably wont be able to eat) right now and it really made me smile when he offered to go get it. Yannno, sometimes he takes my breath away. :)

The kids have been gone for a week now and I can't say I miss them just yet. This break was WELL needed and although I'm ready to see them, I'm not rushing their arrival just yet. I really take my hat off to single mothers. If I were in a situation where I ended up a single parent, God help.

Well I think I hear the garage door opening...that means my hubby is back.

G'Night Folks,

Lady Doss

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Damn Deer - Part II

If you've been a follower of my blog for a while then you know how much I abhor deer. Well I'll be damned if I didn't go running yesterday night (lol) and got chased by one. Now I'm sure you're all like "Chased Lady Doss?" and dammit I'm like yeah "chased."

See we moved to the CUN-TREE so deer are a common occurrence around here. I was under the impression that they roam around at night, and I can be ok with that b/c at night guess where I am??? In the damn house. However, THIS deer decided he/she wanted to eat grass in broad daylight. So I'm coming around getting my run on, IPOD on full blast, breaking a small sweat when BAM there's a deer standing across the street looking at me (like I was the one out of place or some shit). I immediately froze, paused my IPOD (more like yanked the buds out of my ears and put it in my pocket - hell I didn't want to provoke the thing with rap music or anything like that)

Anyway, I didn't know what to do so I started to walk a lil bit, that lil fucker did too...I picked up the pace...and he did too...he would never cross the street to my side though. So I picked up my phone and called my friend like "ok..this deer is going to get me, what do I do?" She was very comforting and didn't laugh so I was ok. She was like "just keep walking and don't look at it" (Good advice since I'd never taken my eyes off that lil bastard the whole time). She was like "it can sense your fear so don't let it know you're afraid and you'll be ok." Apparently she was on to something b/c as soon as I walked away, it went back to nibbling on grass or whatever it was doing before I came along. I'll bet I wont be doing anymore running around here anymore though. Hell no.

Happy Saturday Folks,

Lady Doss

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Glass Half Empty...

I'm really beginning to dislike folks who never see the bright side of things. I mean ok YOU want to be all gloom and doom but quit tryin to spread that shit to everyone around you. Uggh.

For those of you who have been following my Facebook status you know how frustrated I have been lately with wanting to pursue a passion of mine. Everybody knows that I love to cook and want to one day own a restaurant that features my homestyle cooking recipes. Considering the economy sucks I've been entertaining making my "famous" macaroni and cheese on a per order basis. I mean $10 a pop for a pan of man n cheese isn't bad (considering it takes that much to actually make it the right way) and I'd also be able to get my "name" out there as a cook. There are a lot of people who are like "Oh Lady Doss go for it...I'd support" but I still don't have 100% suppport (not that I'm naiive enough to think I'm going to). It really sucks that some people don't see any benefit in anything. I mean don't you get tired of a cloud being over everything you do and everywhere you go? Goodness!

With that being said...I can't wait on someone to fulfill my dreams for me. I have to act on it while God still has me here. Yesterday we met our neighbor who is opening her own J R Crickets (at the corner of Campbellton Road and Camp Creek Parkway - near the CVS in South Atlanta) and I applaud her. I'm so proud of her as a young woman that I can't begin to express it. I'm going to support her as much as I possibly can, why? Because she deserves people in her corner no matter how "crazy" it may sound or how much you may not agree with her venture. As a mattafack I'm going to be the first one in line on opening day to get me a plate of wings...and I don't even LIKE J R Crickets' wings. I want to see her succeed and I pray that her success will ultimately lead to mine.

Now anyone want a pan of mac n cheese for $10? Hit me up!

Lady Doss

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I have issues...but God told me it's ok.

So lately I've been examining myself and I've come to the conclusion that I have major issues. For as long as I can remember I've always tried to keep up with everyone else. I've always had a feeling of "less than" and dammit, I think I'm tired of it. I'm slowly teaching myself that it doesn't matter what other people think about how I look, what I drive, where I live, etc. I yearn for the day when I can wake up and geniunely not give a damn what someone is thinking when I walk by. I'm a long way away from it...but at least I know where the problem lies and have the desire to fix it.

I'm trying to go back in my history to define that moment when shit like this started to matter and I think I can pinpoint it. You see, when I was younger I didn't have normal shit like hot meals and snacks. I just had to go without...I spent my dinner evenings at the Butlers or Ms Berry's house at their table if I was lucky. To this day I hate one ply tissue and paper towels b/c I was teased so bad as a kid for "not being able" to afford two ply. Kids can be so cruel...can't they?

I now find myself wanting people to think of me as better than I really am, I want people to see me as someone who has everything they need and it's gotten me to the point where I don't even know myself anymore. I want NOT to care, but it's SO hard. I keep hearing those mean ass kids teasing and taunting me and I don't want my children to endure the same thing. The same thing holds true for friends and relationships. I was never "popular" or with the "in" crowd at school (mainly b/c I didn't look or couldn't dress the part) so now as an adult I thrive on relationships with people I "think" are in. I get excited just knowing that the "in" people "like" me...and it's kinda sad to a point. I'm thankful to be accepted but at the same time it's quite sad that I need acceptance that bad.

Of couse one would ask "why the heck would you write about something so sensative and private?" The answer isn't clear actually, I've just been thinking about this and some decisions I've made in the past to "keep up" and I knew I had to get this off my chest. God isn't through with me yet...and I make it my business to say that all the time, but Lord when will this feeling go away? Why do I have to burst my own bubble sometimes? Why can't I just...*sigh*

I dunno...I really don't.

Lady Doss

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I wanted to do hoodrat things...

Yeah so I hadn't planned to blog until I saw this shit HERE:

What in the HELL is wrong with children nowadays? Even more so...what in the hell is wrong with parents to not beat the SHIT outta children who do things like this? Ok, now I get shouldn't "whip" your children for just any ol thing b/c I'm the parent who wont hit her children (unless they steal my car and crash it a few times) but dammit I woulda beat this lil boys fat hoodrat ass in FRONNA the cops.

On a serious note though. What makes children do things like this? The lil dough boy said he was mad at his momma so he did it. That makes me wonder what Momma is (or isn't) doing that a child would feel like he has to resort to "hoodrat" shit to get her attention. I would like to pray to hope to think that she's a highly effective parent and is paying her son the most attention possible, but for some reason...I just don't quite believe so. I'm no SAINT of the Parents or anything like that but sheesh. know what else just irks the SHIT outta me? People who roll damn stop instead of just stopping at the damn sign. WOO that irritates me so. Like do people get stop and yeild signs mixed up? I can't fathom why anyone would just roll out into on coming traffic like we have magic brakes or something...and can just stop in .2 seconds to keep from crashing into them. Speaking of non driving drivers...I also get QUITE annoyed with people who never bothered to read the manual that teaches you rules of the road. For example: since when do you STOP at a blinking yellow? I mean just stop...sit there...and NOT move. Doesn't a blinking yellow mean proceed with caution? I'd like to think it does. Maybe I'm wrong...ionno.

I'm going to talk about one last rant before I go...(b/c I'm sure no one wants to read a blog full of complaints)...but I can't STAND people who don't respect your space. The funny thing is...Publix must be the breeding ground for these individuals b/c THEY are the ones who have that issue in the worst way. (which reminds me about a story I need to tell about Target) Like why do people think you're supposed to just STAND so close to the person in front of you that they can feel you breathing on the back of their neck?

So I just spent nearly an hour doing something else and lost my train of thought...maybe I'll finish this one later.

G'Day folks!

Lady Doss

P.S. I didn't feel like spell checking

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A Lover not a Fighter...

Or at least I'd like to think so... but dammit if I haven't woken up for the past two days feeling like I got my ass kicked in my sleep. It's that for real soreness know the kind of sore you get after your first workout of the season? Or that just fell down the steps or had a car accident sore...THAT'S what I feel like. I asked hubby was he the culprit and he said no...I guess I'll have to take his word for it.

Anyhow, today I discovered just how awkward elevator rides with strangers can be. It's like where do you look? You don't want to look at them b/c staring is rude...and you don't want to just stare straight ahead either b/c that looks weird (not to mention our elevator is mirrored so looking forward only promotes staring at the other person). If you look down that screams I mean what do you do? Everyone doesn't want to say good morning (I've learned that the hard way) so I just kinda stand there and pretend something is in my nails or I pretend text on my BB. It's worked so far. *shrug* Which reminds me...and ya'll KNOW how bad I hate this. WHY do people stand directly in front of the door waiting on the elevator? Even deeper...WHY do they stare at me for standing to the side and peeking in before I walk in? I mean I don't want to run anyone over that's trying to get off...I'd like to think most people want to extend that same courtesy...but apparently not. that...I'll just never understand.

G'Day folks,

Lady Doss

Sunday, April 13, 2008

"Excuse me? Shut the hell up please. Thanks"

Have you ever just come across somebody you wanted to shut the hell up? Well I know EYE have. So this weekend hubby and I went away to our chalet in Gatlinburg, TN. It was lovely and we had a great weekend, but there was one moment when I just wanted to ask some of my counterparts to shut the hell up. As you all may know, Gatlinburg isn't exactly the "african american mecca" or anything like that so that means WE all stick out. I'd like to think that we arent elitists but sometimes I'm just like..."wow, we reealllly don't fit in." For example, there happened to be 4 black couples in line for the chair lift. 3 of those couples were together...and there was us. Ok fine...UNTIL we started the ascent up the mountain. All of a sudden we hear "huh? what? go go go" (kind of like rap music) I'm like...oooooo boy here WE go. Hubby and I try to pretend we don't hear the madness and see the stares from people (b/c of course they assumed we were all together). THEN, one of the 'ladies' yells "Oooh gurl if I fall my baby gone get a buncha munni." WHY do our people act like this? For fear of sounding Bill Cosby'ish I'll hush and not go on about it...but I'm really confused on how the "class proportions" were divided when we were born. I mean what makes some of us sit up straight at the table and others slouch and sit with their legs open? Why do some people think it's ok to have red and yellow hair and others wouldn't be caught dead with anything other than brown or black hair? I know you can say "oh it's the culture you grew up in" or whatever, but I don't buy it. Why? I grew up in the ghetto too...and I adopted the "do better" philosophy. *shrug*

I had some reallllly interesting things to type about and in putting the kids to bed I totally forgot. Maybe tomorrow.

G'Night Folks,

Lady Doss

Monday, April 7, 2008

How much can one take?

I'm not sure why I chose that title for today's blog but I did. So where should I start? I would go back and see when the last time I blogged and start from there, but that would require me to go back out of this window, etc and I'm just not going to do it. At any rate:

I had jury duty wed- friday of last week. I know I know...most people groan at the thought of even having to show up to potentially be picked but I didn't. I actually WANTED to serve on jury duty...but that's b/c I was bitten my the Criminal Justice bug and I have the fever. So I show up on Wednesday bright eyed and bushy tailed ready to do whatever it is jurors do and I sat and waited for a good three hours or so...well no it was more like...2...yeah 2 until they began calling names for jurors. I was juror #24 of #60. I was like "YES!" that means I'm's only 10ish so that means I'll be outta here in a few and I go get my nails and toes done. WRONG! Boy was I WRONG! Little did I know, I'd be there until 7 PM...yup 7 o'damn clock. (in the NIGHT...and yes I said in the night.) Law & Order never shows you just how a jury is selected for a criminal trial. For those of you who have never served here's an eye opener:

1. 60 potential jurors are called to report to whatever courtroom they choose.
2. All 60 of you (well 59 in our case, I'll get to that later) are polled in a group. Different questions are asked to determine potential biases, etc.
3. THEN, each of you (yes 1-60) are polled individually by the prosecutor, defense, and judge privately...(is that redundant, individually privately? well no...I don't think so...anyhow) AFTER that long drawn out process. ...
4. The jurors are selected. Now it doesn't sound as painful as it was...but 60 people at 10-15 minutes a piece is a LONG ass time.

OH, and if you're summonsed (is that right?) please just serve your time and move on...don't be like juror #37 (hence the 59 of us and not 60) and show up, sign in, and sneak out....This idiot showed up, watched the orientation video and dipped the hell out. Now that might've worked in high school...or even in college...but don't try it at the Fulton County Superior courthouse. This dude couldn't have been the brightest of the bunch b/c he left and went HOME. The judge ordered the bailiff to go get him and bring him back. Sure enough about a hour or so later he was ushered into the courtroom in handcuffs. The judge brought all of us in the courtroom for his hearing and it was CLEAR that he didn't have it all upstairs. The judge was like "what gives you the right to just leave?" He said "the video told me to" Say what now?!? So after a few rounds of questions the judge says, "well you have to serve...where you serve is entirely up to you." He goes..."which one is the best?" Clearly irritated the judge said "it's up to you...I'm neutral" The guy shook his head and proceeded to sit his ass down. I guess his choice was to sit through jury duty and not do it in a holding cell.

So back to the case. (now that it's over I can openly discuss it...) For those of you that know me, you'll see why this case was a really...what's the word? It was just really...a "wow" for me.

A 6 year old little girl named Erin* goes to her grandmother's house on the weekends while her mother works 3rs shift. While sleeping, Erin's grandmother's boyfriend James comes into the room to "check on her." One day his "check on her" becomes "curiosity" and he touches Erin while putting the covers over her (or taking them off...he told more than one version). Erin, a scared little girl, allows this to go on until one day she confides in an older cousin. The older cousin instructs Erin to tell someone what's happening to her...she does...and the roller coaster begins.

According to James he was only putting the covers on her...and when asked by the detectives why he "may have touched her buttocks" he stated he was "curious." While hard to hear...and even harder to swallow, I remained impartial and listened to all evidence in the case (as hard as it was). The deal breaker for me was when the grandmother took the stand (in defense of her "man") and testified that her granddaughter Erin and her mother were "some liars" and she "never" left Erin alone in the house with James. She even went on to say that her relationship with Erin was "perfect" and when asked the last time Erin was at her home she replied "ionno, it's been a while." The DA asked, " some days, weeks, months, years?" Granny replied "years."

I cried all the way home that night...why? Well my name is Lady Doss, and as a girl I was molested by my grandmother's husband...I, like Erin, waiting years before telling anyone what happened...only Erin had the resources to face her predator and put him away for a long time. I never know why I didn't get the same chance, but I have a feeling it had a lot to do with my grandmother who "never" left me alone with him and told authorities we had the "perfect" relationship. I also can hear her saying "Lady Doss' and her momma are some liars..." but I'll never know.

Again as God would have it...I was elected jury foreperson...and after around 2 hours of deliberation we found him guilty on all three charges (Child Molestation; Aggravated Sexual Assault; & Sexual Assault). While reading the verdict to the perp he didn't even flinch, he never once looked me in the if he was ashamed of what he'd done. Although hard, it was therapeutic. I lived THROUGH Erin, through her courage to testify, through her strength to carry on...and Erin, now 14, will never know how much her life influenced mine. Reading that verdict was closure in a sense for me...b/c I never got the chance to tell my attacker he was guilty (although I'm sure I can...since he and my grandmother are living a proverbial "happily ever after" to this day).

I didn't write this blog for pity or I'm sorrys...I just hope that in so much as Erin helped me...I can help someone else.

This shit is real as it can get. I changed the victims name to Erin so that she could have some kind of real life after all of this...but James well I pray that he is rehabilitated while he serves his time. I honestly do. I wanted so much for the evidence not to point to his guilt b/c I know first hand how allegations like this can destroy a family unit...hence my NEVER going back "home" unless by force.

With that being said...

G'Day folks,

Lady Doss

Friday, January 11, 2008

Verily Verily I say unto you...

*laugh* I'm so lame, but every time I see Jesus say (you know the red print?) "I tell you the truth...." I fall out. Apparently, 'verily verily I say unto you' translates to 'I tell you the truth' and every time Jesus says it in the Bible (you know the red print?) I picture Him shaking His head and then looking the person He's speaking to directly in the eye and saying it. Boy that cracks me up...but anyhow that's not the purpose of my writing today.

I will NEVER a damn GIN get gas in the hood. Never. Never. Never. So yesterday, I'm riding in my car and notice that I'm two drops away from being on the side of the road. Now normally I wont get gas anywhere but BJ's (b/c it's quality gas for cheap - if there really IS such a thing) but when I started to weigh my options I decided that stopping for gas in the hood was a lot safer than being stranded on the side of the road in the hood. Don't get me wrong, I love my people, but you know how WE do. Thug mentality will be the death of us...but anyhow. So I stop at one Shell station owned by none other than Middle Easterners (is that racist?) and pull up to the pump. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't pay at the pump really wanna pay at the pump, pump the gas, and get the hell on about your business? I thought so...but that aint the case in the hood. have to succumb to THEIR rules and regulations in the hood. I inserted my card and removed it quickly as instructed and the machine prompts me for my pin. I hit NO b/c I didn't want to put my pin in, I wanted to process it as a credit transaction. How about the machine just froze. I mean wouldn't move, wouldn't work, wouldn't do anything put keep asking me for my pin. I hit cancel...and tried again. Same thing...I tried once again...same thing. I gave up...

THEN, I get to the next Shell station owned by none other than Middle Easterners (is that racist?) and I'm thinking, well this station is on the outskirts of the hood, so maybe I wont have as MANY issues. Boy was I wrong. I get to the pump, insert and remove my card quickly as instructed and this machine prompts me to see the cashier. I REALLY didn't want to go through all that b/c I was at the furthest pump from the door, but I thought to myself "maybe this is a safety precaution. Fraud IS on the rise." I go in...and the line is just ridiculous. There are about 5 people in the line I'm in playing the lotto and scratch offs which ticks me OFF so bad I can't stand it. Quite naturally I have to wait b/c after all...getting gas in the hood is a lot safer than being stranded in the hood. The next gas station is a couple miles down and I don't want to take the chance. When I get to the window the guy just looks at me and blinks. I'm like...*blink back* so we stand there having a blink conversation for a good thirty seconds before I realize that he doesn't speak a LICK of English. The other guy walks over behind him and asks if he can help me. Clearly perturbed I answer, "I'd just like to get some gas." He says "How much?" I say "I'd LIKE to fill up and typically that total varies from transaction to transaction." He says "Ok..." and proceeds to authorize ONE HUNDRED DAMN DOLLARS on my card. What in the hell!??!?! "I say, does it LOOK like it'll take $100 to fill up my car? Please cancel that transaction." I turn to leave and he says, "no wait, I do fifty." I'm like ok whatever...he then says "but you have to come back when you finish so I can make sure you no get more than fifty." I said, "well you can cancel this one too, I don't have time to go back and forth with you, I just want some damn gas." He says "ok ok no have to come back, just for you k?" I roll my eyes and go pump my damn gas...but get this, he stops the pump at $49.99 to make SURE I'm not going to steal any gas from his damn store. I just look at the window where he is (of course smiling and waving) and shake my head. THIS is why I will never get any gas in the hood again. It's just too much and I clearly am not built for all those shenanigans for a tank of damn gas. Of course it could have been worse...I could've been stranded in the hood, and that's not safe.

G'Day Folks,

Lady Doss

Friday, January 4, 2008


There are some crazy ass people in Atlanta Georgia. I tell you the truth. For example, today as I was walking to my building from the train station. I noticed a (what appeared to be) sane man saluting the flag pole outside my building. Before I could do a double take, this fool put his hand across his heart and recited the pledge of allegiance. I mean full out...I PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG and so on. (at the top of his lungs mind you) It gets better...he THEN gets on his knees (praying position) and says "God Bless America, Amen"...gets up...and walks off like that shit he just did is normal. I was like...dumbfounded. I really couldn't believe I'd witnessed that. Which reminds me...

Why do we (I'll include myself in this too) talk to infants and expect them to say something back to us? For example, as I was coming down the escalator from the cafe (oh and I have a story about that one too) a father was going up taking his daughter to the child care center. If you don't know by now, I'm hella observant and pick up on just about everything that's going on around me...anyway. So he's on the escalator and he says "Morgan do you want to see your friends? huh? huh? Say pretty girl?" (all the while the child is looking at him like "idiot...I MAY JUST want to see them but I can't TELL you about it...I mean I AM like 8 months old, right?)Of course the kid doesn't speak back so he says "Tell daddy yes..." I'm thinking, what if she doesn't want to see them right now, does she say yes anyway to shut daddy up? I mean I do it too (although I vowed I'd never do that as a parent, go figure) but why? Are we trying to teach our children to talk? If so, do we really want them to speak in high pitched 'baby' voices? I think not...I may need to work on that, lol.

OH about the know I always have a funny (or not so funny) story about the cafe. So one morning I go in...and it's around ehhhh 9:40ish. Breakfast is normally served until 10 so I was like yeah they still have plenty of food left, etc. I get to the grille to order my usual cheese grits and bacon but before I can speak, the lil gay guy (not that it's relevant) blurts out "I'm closed and I aint cooking nothin else." My face typically tells the story of what my mind is thinking so...quite naturally...well you know, my face told the story. I look around to see if maybe he's talking to...I dunno, the person behind me but in my search I find that no one is standing there but me. I chuckle and say, good b/c I didn't need you to cook nothin else anyway. I'd like three pieces of limp bacon please and thank you. He looks like I just asked him to have sex with a woman or something and huffs like the bacon he picked up weighs 100 pounds each. He fixes my plate but I guess something inside of him felt like I needed education on what he does for a living bc/ he proceeds to tell me that "they never give me enough time to prep for lunch, so I'm just going to stop cooking at 9:30 every morning." I'm like oh...and I walk off with my bacon. Apparently, that whole 9:30 thing didn't work out too well b/c since then he's been cooking a whole lot of somethin after 9:30. *shrug*

Last thing...what's with all of these consistent inconsistencies? (What is the plural of inconsistency anyway? cys? cies? or is it even a word?)

Anyhow...that's not important. What I wanna know is why some shit just makes NO sense whatsoever. For I said before, I get cheese grits, three strips of limp bacon, and a coffee EVERY morning but somehow I pay a different price every morning. I mean really? Shouldn't it be $3.09 every day? That really baffles really, it does. Or how about the Coach/Louis/Prada 'bags' on the shoulders of one using an EBT card to pay for groceries. Fake or not... the purpose of buying that bag is to give the allusion that one can afford those things, right? Who in their right mind would believe a story like that? Which reminds me...don't carry a $3000.00 (or $30.00 , that depends on where you shop) Louis Vuitton bag looking like the textbook definition of mess. Look and dress the part of someone carrying a $3000.00 bag? mmkay?

Oh and if you don't know what that is...well yanno, don't carry the bag.

G'Day Folks!

Lady Doss

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New YearS <--ugh

If I hear one more person wish me a "happy new yearS" I just might scream. Why do people say that? When I hear it I want to ask..."Happy New Year's what? Day? Night? Week?" I mean really...I was on the train this morning when I heard the conductor (is that what MARTA calls them?) say "Good morning and Happy New YearS (while stressing the hell outta that S) your time is...." I was like Jesus be grammar class. It's always bothered me when folks say things like "I'm going to Burger KingS" or "Girl yeah I shop at KrogerS." Like do people not understand that adding an 's' to a proper noun makes it possessive? (with the apostrophe of course) I learned this in like 3rd grade, but maybe it was exclusive to my school or something, ionno.

Anyhow, I am redoing my house for 2008. I've changed the color of the bathroom downstairs and working on the two upstairs. I've put up a border and mural in Alex's (<-- notice the apostrophe) room and as soon as I finish his room I'm starting on Sydnee's (<--notice the apostrophe). I think I want to redo our bedroom too, but I haven't decided on what scheme I want to follow. I'm sure there are bigger decisions in life that need to be made, so I wont toil over that one for too long. I mean, there IS an election coming up.

Speaking of which, can I just say that I'm tired of hearing about the IOWA primary? (Or primaryS - spelled incorrectly on purpose) I know the importance b/c it sets the proverbial tone for the upcoming Presidential election, but I mean really? They were on Good Morning America talking about the amount of mail and phone calls these people are getting, and I can promise you...I'd be ticked the hell off if it were me. I mean, campaigning is one thing, but don't overwhelm people with materials and phone calls while they are trying to prepare dinner. That makes ME not want to vote for anyone other than myself (which is what I did in the last Presidential election). I surely didn't want Bush to return...and I wasn't too fond of Kerry either. However, being that I do have the right to vote and people died for me to have that right...I politely wrote myself in as a candidate. Apparently, I was the only one that thought I'd make a helluva President. LOL I digress...

Anyway folks, I need to start 2008 off right...and that means I need to pretend like I'm working!

G'day folks!!!

Lady Doss

P.S. In no way am I the end all be all of the English language. LOL

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

So it's 2008...

Yeah we made it...I vowed I wouldn't compose some silly note or e-mail reflecting on 2007 and welcoming 2008 but I'm awake and hey why not write? right? lol

So, I can't say that 2007 was a year of strife or that I was put through a lot of hell or whatnot, but it was a year of completion. I did some research and it made total sense. In the Bible three is often interpreted as being spiritually complete (the so-called Trinity, three Patriarchs—Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, etc). Four represents physical completion (four sides of a square room, four corners, four directions). Using this reasoning, combinations of three and four represent total completion. This would include twelve—three times four—(tribes of Israel, apostles) and seven—three plus four—(days of week). I went on to meditate on scripture surrounding this number and my theory and I found two scriptures that I will stand on to jump right into 2008...which for the year of new beginnings. Those scriptures are:

Psalm 12:6—" The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times."
Proverbs 9:1—"Wisdom hath builded her house, she hath hewn out her seven pillars."
I believe that those two scriptures describe exactly what happened in my life in 2007. I began to really recognize the word of God as bond (you know like...word is bond son? yeah that, lol) and I used that wisdom to build my house (figuratively since I pray that the house I live in was built with more than 7 pillars, lol).

I have always been taught that, at least in Christianity, 8 signifies a new beginning. This is illustrated by the facts that God designed the eighth day to begin a new week, circumcision took place on the eighth day, and there were eight people on Noah's Ark. If I remember correctly, it also signifies grace. To me...that's all I need for 2008. His Grace...that's why I chose just that (sort of) for my license plate. It says "Gra8ful" Why? because that's what I am...Grateful for His Grace. Notice the 8 in there signify I'm also grateful for a new beginning. I wont go into explicit detail but there are some things that I needed to be freed from and God did just that.

With that being said...if I offended you in 2007, I apologize; however I can't take back what I said. If I hurt you in 2007, I apologize; but I can't take back what I did. If I befriended you in 2007, thank you for being a friend. If I cut ties with you in 2007, apparently there was something missing between the two of us. If I said something that you thought was rude or probably needed to be said, but I will apologize for the delivery. If this apology isn't enough for you...I don't know what else to tell you. :)

Happy New Year people! I pray that your 2008 is filled with new opportunities and that you not only recognize SEIZE them!


The one...the only...Lady Doss

-P.S. "Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you."--Carl Sandburg

Remember for 2008...don't spend major time...with minor people.


About Me

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A self professed “Grace Case,” Elle is a 29 year old accomplished writer. Having written and been featured in national magazines such as Essence, her unique writing style has been said to be “thought provoking” and “more emotional than most.” She believes in being an open book and through that prays that her life experiences help others avoid the mistakes she’s made and overcome. As such, her memoir “Loving Me In Spite of Me” is filled with life lessons and coping mechanisms. Her mantra “love me or hate me… I’m me unapologetically” has helped define her writing style.