I'm quite perturbed by something I just witnessed downstairs in the cafe. A man who (for all intents and purposes) was homeless asked a guy if he'd buy him breakfast b/c he was hungry, etc. The guy (I assume) said no (which is his right..) and went on his merry way (or so I thought). I said to myself, "I'm going to buy this man breakfast b/c it's just the right thing to do." I'm the type of woman that blesses those who are less fortunate b/c I very well could end up in the same boat and I'd want someone to help me. Well before I could even ask if the man needed anything, the SECURITY guard shows up. Now if you're a frequent visitor to my blog, you know the security here is a joke. But I digress... Anyhow apparently the guy who was just SO appalled by this homeless man (and I don't mean a smelly, dirty, homeless person either...) asking him for a meal went down stairs to alert security of the 'threat' upstairs in the cafe. The security TEAM comes barging in and asks the man "can we help you with something?" (I'm thinking...no shit Sherlock, the man is starving...of course you can help) The man says "no, I'm waiting on my friend." A woman steps out front and says "Yeah right, we heard you were up here begging for money and we can't have you threatening our people." (I frown...like are they serious?!?! To make matters worse, they are attempting to embarrass this man as if asking for someone to buy him a meal isn't enough) The man says "No ma'am I'm waiting on my friend...he works here." (I'm thinking, God I hope you send him a friend b/c if not they are going to really try and do something to this homeless man...God is good though...) The woman asks "Where is this friend?" (as if to say...you're a liar...and you know it) The man points, "Right there..." he says. Sure enough a guy finishes his transaction and comes over to where they are making this huge unnecessary scene and the posse asks, "Do you know this *insert pause and up and down look here* man?" The friend answers "Well no, but he was in need of breakfast so I offered to buy it for him." The woman says "Well sir, that's nice and all *all while her face is all scrunched up* but you can't feed these people here...b/c if you do, they'll come back like animals. You know how if you feed a stray dog they show up the next day? Kinda like that." (By now I'm near tears b/c I can't believe how this woman is tearing this already torn down man even further down) The friend answers "Well I'll take my chances. It's a shame how some people have no regard for another human being." He then takes the homeless man by the arm and leads him to the grill where he proceeds to order...God must know me and my big mouth really well b/c he put ME and the Security Posse in the elevator together on the way down. I can be a real asshole when I need to be, so I pick up my phone to call my imaginary friend and I say "You know...I just witnessed the most disgusting shit I've ever encountered in my life." I said, "It's funny how people get a job making $10 per hour and lose all sense of decency. It's people who are one paycheck from living on the streets who adopt this elitist 'I'm better than you' demeanor." I said, "I'd sure hate to see what would happen if someone ELSE lost THEIR job." I proceed to tell my fake phone callee the story while the posse (mainly the ring leader) squirms. I'm sure they are thinking, "dammit can we get to the lobby please!???!" I didn't care...and it probably wasn't the right way to handle it, but I was hurting FOR that man.
Now, I know the guards have a job to do (and I say that shit loosely) and I'm in no way disputing the fact that they had to at least confront the man b/c he DID break a city ordinance. (or whatever) My issue lies with the WAY it was done. Why do people think that homeless = beneath you? I mean I get irritated when I'm being harassed by a homeless person who calls me a bitch b/c I REALLY don't have the $0.75 they need. Or I see the homeless person I gave a few dollars to walk into the store and come out with a beer. That shit frustrates me too...but that doesn't make me any better than they are? Seriously... People better wake up and realize that:
1. Just b/c you have a job today...doesn't mean you'll have one tomorrow. What does that mean? Just b/c you have a roof over your head and food in the cupboards...doesn't mean it'll be there next week.
2. You NEVER know who you can bless...if you see a mother sitting on a bench with her kids, don't walk by with your nose turned up when she asks you to pray for her or for help. For those of you who know God, you know His power. They very well could be sent by God JUST to see if you practice what you preach. I firmly believe in making room for bigger blessings...and when you bless someone watch it come RIGHT back to you. It works the other way too...you step on someone when they are down...watch it come RIGHT back to you.
I'm guilty of some of the things above, but today made me really realize just how blessed I am and how much more I can help other people. If I can go out and spend $100 on ONE meal, surely I can spare $1 to donate to a homeless shelter. If I can cook enough food for 12 people when only 4 are in my home...surely I can get my butt outta the bed on the weekends and feed other people. *sigh* Let's really put into practice what this season is about people...it really IS better to give than to receive.
G'Day Folks,
Lady Doss
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
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- A self professed “Grace Case,” Elle is a 29 year old accomplished writer. Having written and been featured in national magazines such as Essence, her unique writing style has been said to be “thought provoking” and “more emotional than most.” She believes in being an open book and through that prays that her life experiences help others avoid the mistakes she’s made and overcome. As such, her memoir “Loving Me In Spite of Me” is filled with life lessons and coping mechanisms. Her mantra “love me or hate me… I’m me unapologetically” has helped define her writing style.
what you said is so true....one time I was in Burger King and this man was buying a homeless man a meal...so the homeless man told the lady preparing the meal to only add little ice to his drink...she was so rude and disrespectful to him....
ReplyDeletegood blog.....
great blog. I feel the same way as you. I remember spending a lot of time and Atlanta and getting on my friend for being so rude to homeless people. He used to say its because there are so many and he's daily harrassed. There are just ways to treat human beings...and this situation was just a reminder of how some folks just aren't decent people. They will learn their lesson soon enough. Kudos to the man that "took his chances" and will be blessed.
ReplyDeletewell said T. Every human life is equally valuable yet there are those who believe otherwise. I am so glad that there were folks around to see past the ignorance, intervene and deal with the situation on a human level. God bless you.
ReplyDeleteI also have to agree. I think I personally would have actually spoken to security about the issue and maybe just put it in the same perspective you just told us here and maybe that would have made a difference in how they approach them in the future....In addition, why is it that security guards really think they the ish!!You are not the POLICE!! and hell, the police aint nobody either to be honest!! Geesh, fake a** security be the first ones running out the door in the case of a real emergency!!
ReplyDeleteYou know my thoughts, sis!!!
ReplyDeleteSoror, you are so right.
ReplyDeleteI ALWAYS give it if I have it. That could be me out there on the street. My uncle, my father's only sibling, is homeless, and I hope and pray that someone helps me the way that I help others.
How humans can treat each other so horribly is beyond me.
First, thank God for sending that man a blessing right when he needed it. I agree with you, we all need to be a little more compassionate. God does not like ugly.