Why is that people who smoke think everyone else wants a hit too? I mean really? Do you just HAVE to stand in the walkways, doorways, and every other high traffic area while you're committing suicide? I can't stand walking down the sidewalk behind someone that's puffing a Newport b/c they seem to always blow the smoke backwards and flick the ashes over their shoulder. I mean shit. I think people who smoke should have ONE area where they all hang out and do their thing. Kinda like assisted suicide. Ok I'm being harsh but isn't that essentially what you do when you smoke? I mean doesn't it like kill you over time? Excuse my ignorance but I'm no smoker... I'm sure I'll piss some 3 pack a day, yellow teeth having, foul breath smelling smoker off, but where would the world be without me? :)
Anyhow, I had an emergency root canal yesterday and boy was THAT a blast!!!! <--sarcasm I was sitting in my office minding my own business when my receptionist buzzed me saying "Your dentist is on 1..." I pick up and she says, Lady D if you can come on down to the office we'll go ahead and get you out of that pain. I thought about it for a minute and said eff this, I'm on my way. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and the tooth no longer hurts but I swear my jaw aches like I did a two for one head special on Ponce last night. I don't know how the 'tutes do it. Goodness. How about though...the oral surgeon (or whatever he was) wrote me a prescription for some damn Advil. What in the hell kind of shit is that? Advil? You just banged around in my mouth for 1.5 hours and you've warned me that I'll feel like I got hit in the face by Ali but you are giving me some Advil? Pish! I called my dentist and told him and they were like oh no honey, come down and get a prescription for some real pain medication. I did...and I slept quite nicely thanks to the vicodin last night. My jaw still hurts but since I'm at work I'll have to suffer. I took two Aleve and they laughed at the pain when they arrived there. They said "naw we can't deal..." and left. So yeah...I'll be in pain until I get home.
SPEAKING of prescriptions. Someone help me out here...does it take a whole lot of skill to fill one? I mean I thought it was a matter of counting 1 2 3 4... and putting them shits in the bottle? What TAKES them so long? I mean I know they have to verify benefits and print the labels but 2 hours?!?!?! So I drop of my prescription at WalGreen's last night at around...ehhh 6P. She says "these'll be ready in about 30 minutes." I say, well ok since it's only 30 minutes we'll run to Publix and Chick Fil A right quick. We get back to WalGreens to pick it up and this heifer says "It'll be another 30-45 minutes." I'm in pain so all I can do is chuckle and leave. I go back at 8:15 (yes that's two point five hours after I left it to begin with) and the SAME girl says "It's not ready yet..." I guess the look on her face said it all b/c she said "but I'll fill it now." Then she yells back..."what did ya'll do with that Doss prescription..I can't find it!" By now I'm about ready to hop OVER the counter and fill my own shit...another 20 minute wait and they are ready...oh but let me tell you what happened while I was waiting (LMAO already).
This nice looking 'older' lady comes up to the counter...and says "I'd like to have this filled please..." The clerk says "have you ever been here before" she says "I don't remember" she says "can I have your name please" The woman just stands there with a blank look on her face...and of course this is when I perk up b/c I'm like now I KNOW she didn't forget her name. So anyway, the woman leans all close and gives her A name...the clerk starts to look it up, and that's apparently not in the system. The clerk asks her if she's sure that's her name...she says "Well it's my maiden name, here's my married name..." That one works, then the clerk says "Date of birth?" Another blank look comes from the woman and then she proceeds to start rumbling through her purse...the clerk says "5-4-47?" the woman gasps and says "I didn't want everyone around me to hear that..." the clerk is like "well oh, anyway...is that correct?" I damn near died laughing. The lady says yes...the clerk says "insurance information?" she says "I left my card at the office but here is the information they gave me" the clerk says "no that wont work..." then this dumb woman who didn't want anyone to know her name or birthday says "Well here is my social...111-11-1111." Ummm....is she serious?!?!? Apparently she is and everyone around me caught the joke...including the clerk. We all chuckled...I don't know how that turned out b/c my meds were FINALLY available and I ran the hell up outta there. It WAS funny though. LOL
Anyhow....G'Day Folks!
Lady Doss
Friday, October 26, 2007
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- A self professed “Grace Case,” Elle is a 29 year old accomplished writer. Having written and been featured in national magazines such as Essence, her unique writing style has been said to be “thought provoking” and “more emotional than most.” She believes in being an open book and through that prays that her life experiences help others avoid the mistakes she’s made and overcome. As such, her memoir “Loving Me In Spite of Me” is filled with life lessons and coping mechanisms. Her mantra “love me or hate me… I’m me unapologetically” has helped define her writing style.
Chick Fil A....That is all....