"For myself I am an optimist - it does not seem to be much use being anything else” Winston Churchill
Someone asked me today, "why and how are you always so happy?" I responded, "oh that's simple... I refuse to be anything else." I'm one of the few people I know that very rarely gets upset. Of course I have my moments but most of the time it's a multitude of complied bullshit that sends me completely over the edge. Thinking back though, I can remember a time when I was a complete HOT head. Some would say I had a bad temper even... I wanted to solve every problem with my fists. Over the years though I learned that no one or thing should have that much control over my thoughts emotions and actions and thus "positivity" was birthed.
Since this wonderful transformation (lol *smiley face*) I've been called passive and asked what happened to the "passionate Tasha." My response is always the same... if erratic behavior equates to passion about a particular thing or subject, you can have it. I remember my boss saying to me "does anything bother you?" When I told her "no" and kept working she stood there dumbfounded. I guess being over the top is expected of us as people... ionno I'm really not sure.
So how do I remain positive you ask? Well I'll share my little secret with you. It's really a simple concept but it takes discipline to do it. Sure we all hear the age old question are you a glass half empty or a glass half full person. Most of us always answer with a resounding "glass half full." Are you really practicing that behavior though? Most often... not. Whenever I am confronted with a negative thought I now (audibly might I add) say "positivity." I've been in public and had something crazy pop into my mind and yelled "positivity." Folks probably thought I was crazy but for the sake of my OWN well being... I just didn't give a damn. It's important not to take a glass half empty approach to life. When things seem to be bad look deep into that situation for the positive things. Sure gas is high…but thank God you have a job to pay for it. Ok you hate your job…I can name a few people who would love to trade places with you. In changing your “outlook” also remember to “look up.” Often times we look to those around us for help but we fail to look up. The message is simple and doesn’t need a lot of elaborate explanation: When you feel like your life is looking grim…look around, smile, and look up.
If you're going through hell... keep going.
10 reasons why you should become more positive
- You will create a better world around you as your surroundings will become affected and change due to your positive thoughts and actions.
- You will make better first impressions. Everyone stereotypes, whether they want or not. A positive first impression can mean a lot in many situations and have a lasting effect throughout your relationship with that person.
- You will focus on the good things in people. Not their faults. This will make things much better overall and improve all kinds of relationships.
- It´s easier to become more productive when you stop laying obstacles in the middle of the road in the form of negative thoughts.
- Work becomes more fun. Everything becomes more fun.
- You become more attractive. People like positive people. Positive people make other people feel good about themselves and they don´t drag the mood down. Also, a positive attitude is an indicator – and source – of high self-confidence, a quality that just about everyone is attracted to.
- Being negative has very little concrete advantages and is not a very empowering way to look at life.
- It opens up your mind to focus on other ways of looking at things. Sometimes wonderful new ways you might not ever have thought about or experienced before.
- It puts the Law of Attraction to better use. The Law of Attraction basically says: whatever you think about you attract into your life. As you replace the negative thoughts with positive thoughts you will start to attract more positive opportunities and people into your life.
- You´ll waste less time. Negativity can be like a self-feeding loop. First you think one negative thought. It leads you to three more. And then you start examining your life in deeper detail through a depressing lens. When you get into a vicious cycles like this it can eat up hours, weeks and years of your life. It can drain a lot of your energy whilst trapping you in paralysis by analysis. And you probably won´t become that much wiser in the process.